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Reading and writing helped Beverly Cleary grow because hearing that's fabulous work and you should become an author made Beverly feel more confident about her work.Not only did it make her have self- confidence but she thought it gave her a place to be in this world. Now enough with the opinions lets get down to the facts.In Beverly Cleary's autobiography it pacifically talks about how she got to be a successful student with the work she produced. It also sometimes impressed her mother if she was lucky. Writing and reading have became a big part of Beverly's life because it has made her the excellent, successful, hard working, person she is today. In the book there was a magnificent example of what im trying to get down to. It was pages 132-133.

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12y ago
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1mo ago

Beverly Cleary's craft in writing is characterized by her realistic portrayals of children's experiences, relatable characters, and engaging storytelling. She had a talent for capturing the challenges and joys of childhood in a way that resonated with readers of all ages. Cleary's works have continued to endure and connect with new generations of readers.

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13y ago

Her craft in writing is that she has a great imagination and talented and she has skills and if you read this and you laugh I promise you Ill @#!$^&...............

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What was Beverly Clearys mom name?

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