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Just like any other source of light, the apparent brightness of a star depends on

how far away you are from it.

If you're on the Earth, then the star that appears to be the brightest from your

location is the sun.

Here are the next 25, in descending order of their apparent brightness to a human eye

located on the Earth. You can use their names to search on the internet, and find out

other things about each one, such as its distance from you, and the constellation it's in.

Sirius, Canopus, Rigel Kentaurus, Arcturus, Vega

Capella, Rigel, Procyon, Achernar, Betelgeuse

Hadar, Acrux, Altair, Aldeberan, Antares

Spica, Pollux, Fomalhaut, Becrux, Deneb

Regulus, Adhara, Castor, Gacrux, Shaula

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15y ago

Other than the Sun and Moon, the brightest thing in the evening sky right now is the planet Venus, visible in the southwest sky at sunset. in fact, Venus is so bright, you can see it in the daytime if you know just where to look.

Other than Venus, the brightest stars in the sky are Sirius, Vega and Rigel.

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