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1w ago

The most important intermolecular force for CF2H2 is dipole-dipole interactions. CF2H2 is a polar molecule due to the differences in electronegativity between carbon, fluorine, and hydrogen atoms. This results in positive and negative ends, allowing dipole-dipole forces to play a significant role in its intermolecular interactions.

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3y ago

dipole-dipole interactions

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Q: What is CF2H2 the most important intermolecular force?
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Van der Waals forces (dispersion forces) - weakest intermolecular force resulting from temporary fluctuations in electron distribution. Dipole-dipole interactions - intermediate strength intermolecular force arising from permanent dipoles in polar molecules. Hydrogen bonding - strongest intermolecular force involving a hydrogen atom bonded to a highly electronegative atom (such as O, N, or F) interacting with another electronegative atom.