

What is Canadian's fashion like?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: What is Canadian's fashion like?
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Why do Canadians not like Americans?

Not all Canadians dislike Americans. However, many Canadians get frustrated by the stereotypes that they are put under, and many Canadians are very competitive concerning athletic events like hockey.

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Canadians like all their hockey teams, including the Vancouver Canucks|!!

What do Canadians eat Also what do they dress like?

They usually eat food. They surely dress like Canadians (Aka E.T.'s).

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fashion journalism is like blogging and WRITING about fashion. however fashion media is like store commercials, fashionshows and things like that hope this helps

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Canadians DO NOT ride Polar bears! They ride moose and live in igloos

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As a Canadian, I would say that most Canadians have never heard of the "Canadian AFL"

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Canadians like Red and White the most because those colors are the colors on their flag.

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canadians help aboriginals, becasue when they migrate from their home country they have nothing here unless they have family but canadians money goes to things for them, like money for food.