

What is Charlie Browns name of his sisters?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What is Charlie Browns name of his sisters?
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He has two sisters. One of them goes by "Tootie"

What is charlie browns brothers name?

Charlie Brown does not have a brother, he has a sister (Sally) and a dog (Snoopy.)

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i don't now what her dog name is it can be snoppy

What is Charlie Browns dog named?

Charlie Brown's dog's name is Snoopy.

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The name of Charlie Brown's dad's barber shop is "Charlie Brown's Barbershop."

What is the name of Charlie Browns dog?


What is the name of Charlie 's browns dog?

Snoopy the Beagle ; see relevant link .

What is the name of a Christmas movie usually shown on cbbc?

ummm charlie browns Christmas !

What is Charlie Browns bird's name?

Charlie Brown doesn't have a bird but his dog Snoopy has a bird friend named Woodstock.