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Club Penguin babies are penguins pretending to be babies. They stay in the pet shop until they are "adopted" by a grown up penguin. Then they add the person, go to their igloo, and do baby things. They also sometimes get an "uppy" (puppy) or broder (brother) or sista (sister.)

They say "cute" things so people will pick them, but, in my opinion, it is really annoying. For example, they put a w in front of words, like instead of you, "woo", and instead of little, "wittle." They also say cute phrases, like "bounces in cute princess dippy!" (dippy means diaper in club penguin babies' "language."

They also do some very inappropriate things, but unfortunately, they usually get away with them. They do this thing they call "tum tum", where a grown up penguin pretends to be pregnant with them. They also do "boo" (boob), where a grown up penguin pretends to breastfeed.

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Why do Club Penguin babies say woo?

Because Club Penguin babies are pretending to be little and they think that "woo" is cute. The meaning of "woo" is you.

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No, of course not!

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Why is there babies on Club Penguin?

that answer is easy why are there babies in club penguin it's because they want attention and only care for themselves and i think they want to act dum

Who thought of Club Penguin babies?

yes bay bees are taking over club penguin i lik them and hate them! =) ?

What is meant by 'wammy' on Club Penguin?

"Wammy" means "Mummy" on Club Penguin as penguins pretend to act as babies.

Do you like Club Penguin babies?

Oh helll no!

Is there Club Penguin toys in Trivandrum?

who cares. club penguin is for babies like you with no life! get a hobby that doesnt have to do with creeping on kids!

Are there babies on Club Penguin?

Yes there is babies on Club Penguin. But don't make fun of them because : 1. The people on Club Penguin that are babies are just pretending. 2. Of course there are baby outfits every month in the cloths catolog, so don't blame me or the babies, blame Club Penguin. (Through i play Club Penguin like every second of my life so don't really blame Club Penguin!) 3. They are kinda cute! But I don't blame you if they cry all the time. I once had a baby on Club Penguin, and it never stopped crying unless you gave it what it wanted. 4. People who hate babies and pretend to hurt them, don't! If you do, the people in Club Penguin can pass on what you did, and soon everyone wont answer your friend requests, and people wont want to hang out with you!!

Who made up club penguin babies?

Fred weasly