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im sure its not illegal but im prettu sure that's probably not healthy 2 do that

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Q: What is Colorado law pertaining to a relationship between an 17-year-old and a 13-year-old?
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What is the Colorado law pertaining to a relationship between an 17 yr old and 27 yr old?

it is illegal until you are 18.

What is Colorado law pertaining to a relationship between a 17-year-old and a 26 year-old?

No sex until both parties are over 18.

What is Colorado law pertaining to a relationship between a 20-year-old and a 16-year-old?

As long as there's no sex or marriage without parent consent, Colorado has nothing on you. Unless the 16 year old's parents don't have a restraining order.

Does the state of California recognize Colorado designated beneficiary agreements?

Most likely no. California recognizes out-of-state same-sex legal unions that are substantially similar to marriage. A Colorado designated beneficiary relationship offers only very limited rights and is not substantially similar to marriage. Therefore, California will likely not recognize a Colorado designated beneficiary relationship.

Is it legal for a 17 year old boy to have a relationship with a 15 year old girl in Colorado?

It is not illegal.

Im a 16 year old in an active relationship with a 18 year old in Colorado is that agenst the law?


Can a 16 year old girl have a relationship with a 26 year old guy in Colorado legally?

hell nah

Is a same-sex designated beneficiary relationship from Colorado legally recognized in the United Kingdom?

Yes. Pursuant to Schedule 20 of the UK Civil Partnership Act 2004, a same-sex relationship referred to as designated beneficiaries formed in Colorado is legally recognized as a civil partnership in the United Kingdom.

What is the Colorado law pertaining to a 18 year old and a 20 year old?

well if ur 20 and they just turned 18 im shure u allready broke the law before they hit 18.

How long do you have to be living together before you say your married in Colorado?

Living together does not make you married no matter how long. Until you have a wedding you're just in a relationship.

Is it illegal for a 20 year old to have a nonsexual relationship with a 16 year old in the state of Colorado without the consent of her father?

It's not illegal for an eighty year old to have a nonsexual relationship with a sixteen year old in the state of Colorado. It's not illegal for anyone to have a purely nonsexual relationship with anyone in any state. This, of course, excludes other problems such as violence, but friendships are fine. The problem that may very well occur is if or when it crosses the line. Do i think that age spread is much of a moral dilemma? Not really. Depends on the people, but there are all sorts of moral dilemmas that exist in the lives of relationship partners regardless of age. The problem will be within the state of Colorado. If I wasn't really tired, I'd just research the statute and post it here. But I am, and you note the relationship is not sexual. If it gets nearer, let me know, and I'll post it.

Which is longer Mississippi or Colorado?

Mississippi: 2,340 miles Colorado: 1,450 miles