

What is DNA the recipe for?

Updated: 10/24/2022
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Q: What is DNA the recipe for?
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Which part of the cell is like a recipe book?

The part of the cell that is like a recipe book would be the DNA. This is because the DNA tells the organelles each of their functions.

Which molecule is sometime referred to as the recipe book for how to make?


What is the DNA code best described as?

A recipe for making proteins.

What is the signficance of DNA in the chromosome?

DNA and proteins are what a chromosome is mostly comprised of. The DNA serves as code and instructions for the organism, almost like a recipe.

Which molecule is sometimes referred to as the recipe book for how to make protein?


What is made up of surgar a phosphate gruop and a nitrogen base?

That is the recipe for DNA.

Why are genes a part of DNA?

DNA is what codes for genes. Alot of DNA together makes a gene, and many genes and other sections of DNA make a chromosome. Lets say for example the chromosome is a cookbook, and a gene is just one recipe, then the DNA molecules are the letters and the paper. Not all DNA codes for a gene/recipe for example in the cookbook there may be some pages explaining kitchen tools, or how to choose fresh vegetables.

How do genes hold the recipe for all proteins needed by an organism?

Because genes hold all of our DNA

What is exposed when DNA cookbook unzips a complete protein recipe?

protein synthesis

Do animals have a DNA?

No. But the chimpanzee's DNA is similar to ours by 98%People believe that we humans developed from the 'chimpanzee because of how similar our DNA samples. Itis thought that the chimpanzee is as intelligent as ahuman but in different ways.

In addition to replicating itself for cell division DNA serves as themaster blueprint for?

Should read ' master recipe ', but the answer is protein synthesis.