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European Member States.

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Q: What is EMS in CERN?
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Related questions

When was CERN created?

CERN was created in 1954.

When was CERN Courier created?

CERN Courier was created in 1961.

What organization is Dr Vittoria Vetra from?

Cern (CERN)

When was CERN httpd created?

CERN httpd was created on 1990-12-24.

What is the CERN experment?

CERN is a place where particles are collided; they actually do many different experiments.

Did Robert Caillau help with CERN?

Robert Caillau did help with cern because he was a boss

In what year did Cerner Corporation - CERN - have its IPO?

Cerner Corporation (CERN) had its IPO in 1986.

Where is cern at?

in gayseri

Is CERN a blackhole?


Which is the world leading particle physics research centre?

CERN in Geneva

Is cern a word?

CERN is an acronym for Conseil Européen pour laRecherche Nucléaire, the European center for Nuclear Research in Geneva/Switzerland, best-known for the world's biggest particle accelerator the LHC.There's no other meaning for "cern"

What is a CERN concern?
