

What is Egyptian currency which is called?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What is Egyptian currency which is called?
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What currency does Egypt currently have?

It is mostly called as Egyptian pound

What is the Egyptian currency?

Egyptian pound

What is a Egyptian millieme?

The Egyptian pound or gineih, it is the Egyptian currency.

In Egypt what money do Egyptians use?

Egyptian currency is called pound in Arabic it is known as "Gineih" and Egyptian pound = 0.182249 U.S. dollars

What is the currency they use in Egyptian?

Egyptian pound (EGP)

What is the currency of Egypt?

The currency of Egypt is the Egyptian Pound (EGP or LE) ,called Gineih in Arabic. It is subdivided into piasters (100 piasters making up one Egyptian pound).Currency notes are in denominations of 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 Egyptian Pounds. Coins are available in 5, 10, 20, 25, and 50 Piasters.There is no mandatory exchange upon entry, however, all Egyptian currency must be accompanied by an official exchange receipt when paying hotel bills. Bank branches are conveniently located at ports of entry, and in all major hotels.The currency used in Egypt is called the Egyptian pound. As of June 2014, 50 Egyptian pounds converted to US dollars, is $6.99 US.

What currency do Egyptians have?

The "Egyptian Pound" is the currency of Egypt. One "Egyptian Pound" contains 100 piasters.

What is the egyption currency?

Egyptian currency is based on the Egyptian pound, which is 100 piastras. There are notes and coins in various denominations.

What is the currency used in Egypt?

The national currency in Egypt is the Egyptian Pound

What is the currency used Egypt?

The national currency in Egypt is the Egyptian Pound

What is cairo's currency?

It is the Egyptian pound

Who is on Egypts currency?

egyptian pound