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Q: What is Electrolyte's common name chemical name chemical formula?
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NaOH is the chemical formula of sodium hydroxide (common names are caustic soda or lye).

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The chemical formula of carbon monoxide is CO.

What is the common name for the chemical formula Na OH?

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Common salt is Sodium Chloride, NaCl

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no one cares get a life you hoe

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The most common one is probably sodium hypochlorite, which has the formula NaClO.

Does caustic soda and washing soda have the same components?

Yes, but not in full they both have sodium which is the component between the two of them The formula for caustic soda is: NaOH The chemical name is: Sodium hydroxide And the common name is: caustic soda The formula for washing soda is: Na2CO3 The chemical name is: Sodium carbonate And the common name is: Washing soda Which soda ash is also a common name for the chemical name

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It can be describes by its chemical name,common name,and chemical formula

Common name and chemical formula for acetic acid?

Acetic Acid is the archaic name for Ethanoic Acid. It is found in everyday life as 'Vinegar'. It formula is ' CH3COOH'.

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Common salt is sodium chloride, NaCl