

What is Favorable mutations?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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6y ago

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A helpful change to someones body that not man people have.

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Gwendolyn Nicolas

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2y ago
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Q: What is Favorable mutations?
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How does chance play a role in evolution?

Evolution is caused by adaptations (favorable traits) that sometimes come from mutations. Mutations happen by chance, and this is how chance plays a role in evolution.

How can genetic mutations support macro-evolution?

Mutations in an individuals germ line can be passed into progeny and if these mutations are beneficial then the allele frequency in the individuals population can change which is evolution. Over time and with many beneficial mutations against a favorable environment a population, or populations, most often geographically isolated, can change alleles so much that the two split populations can no longer interbreed and you have a new species; macro-evolution.

How does natural selection affect variation?

Variation naturally occurs in populations as new traits arise from random mutations. However, through natural selection only those traits that are beneficial to the organism are passed on to the next generation. Any harmful mutations are naturally weeded out.

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Are all mutations bad.?

No not all mutations are bad there are good mutations and bad mutations

How do you spell mutations?


Genetic information is alterd when changes in the DNA sequence is called?

When changes occur in the DNA sequence, it is called a mutation. Mutations can result from various factors such as exposure to harmful substances or errors during cell division. These changes can lead to genetic variations in offspring and may have different effects on traits within a population.

What two types of chromosomal mutations?

Two are insertion mutations and deletion mutations.

What are known as gene mutations and occur at a single point in the DNA sequence?

Mutations that occur at a single point in the DNA sequence are Point Mutations.

Mutations that occur at random are called?

Mutations that occur at random are called spontaneous mutations. These mutations can arise from errors during DNA replication, exposure to certain chemicals or radiation, or other natural causes.

What is spontaneous and induced mutations?

Mutations which are artifically induced with the help of mutagenic agents are called induced mutations

Describe how gene mutations affect protein production.?

gene mutations can affect protein production through various mutations as nonsense mutations are any genetic mutation that leads to the RNA sequence becoming a stop codon. missense mutations are mutations that changes an amino acid from one to another. Slient mutations are mutations  that dont affect the protein at all.