

What is File and Stream in java?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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file is one of the storage device

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Q: What is File and Stream in java?
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What i know is java we will use compiler when it want to get class file(file with .class extension) from java file(file with .java extension).

What is the java file in java?

The java file has the actual JAVA code present in it,..i.e the entire coding is done in that file.. you can view it using any text editor.. After compiling it you get a class file of every class present in the java file When you open a class file in a text editor, you won't see anything that makes sence. You won't find the original code that you wrote in the java file. That is because a class file is a product of the compilation of a java file.

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Java created a file called class, and is identified by having the .class at the end. This file includes a Java bytecode, which then can be used on the Java Virtual Machine.

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System.err is much like System.out, except instead of going to standard output, it returns a stream to standard error. According to the Java API, you should use this to print out error messages directly to the user even if you have redirected System.out to print to a file or other stream.

What are the uses of File Input Stream and File Output Stream in java programming?

These streams are classified as mode streams as they read and write data from disk files. the classes associated with these streams have constructos that allows us to specify the path of the file to which they are connected. The FileInputStream class allows us to read input from a file in the form of a stream. The FileOutputStream class allows us to write output to a file stream. Example, FileInputStream inputfile = new FileInputStream ("Empolyee.dat"); FileOutputStream outputfile = new FileOutputStream ("binus.dat");

How do you save a notepad file into a java file?

just add an extension .java when you save your notepad text file

What is java class file?

That's the compiled Java file, the one that can be distributed to the end-users.

What is JFM in Java and what is the use of it?

jFM is a java file manager. It is used to access the file system.

How class file is created in java?

A class file is a compiled .java file and cannot be executed without jdk or java. They are often executed with .bat files in windows for convenience

What is java file in java?

A java file contains the code you write. One java file contains one class so for example when I want to make a class called Person, the source code is saved in

Is it possible to have file name as java eg javajava?

Yes you can name a file (class if you use eclipse) java or even have java in the name.

What is mean by stream in file?

A stream is how a program reads to and writes from a file. When a program needs to create or edit a file, it opens up a "stream" to the file, "streams" the intended data to the file, and then saves it before closing the stream.