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Q: What is Foreign key plus attribute is know as?
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Is foreign key a non key attribute?

a key to a different table

foreign key?

when a primary key from one table is stored as an attribute of another table

Explain the concept of foreign key How a foreign key differs from a primary key?

Foreign keys are used to link one database with another. A primary key is an attribute of a record that allows users to identify information.

What is difference between primary key and foreign key?

A primary key is an attribute (or combination of attributes) that uniquely identifies each row in a relation. A primary key is designated by underlining the attribute name. The primary key of an entity set allows us to distinguish among the various entities of the set. A foreign key is an attribute in a relation of database that serves as the primary key of another relation in the same database.

Explain two rules in relational model of database systems?

1) Entity Integrity: In a base relation, no attribute of a primary key can be null. 2) Referential Integrity: If foreign key exists in a relation, either foreign key value must match a candidate key value of some tuple in its home relation or foreign key value must be wholly null

What are key attribute and non key attribute?

Attributes can be classified as identifiers or descriptors. Identifiers, more commonly called keys or key attributes uniquely identify an instance of an entity. If such an attribute doesn't exist naturally, a new attribute is defined for that purpose, for example an ID number or code. A descriptor describes a non-unique characteristic of an entity instance. An entity usually has an attribute whose values are distinct for each individual entity. This attribute uniquely identifies the individual entity. Such an attribute is called a key attribute. For example, in the Employee entity type, EmpNo is the key attribute since no two employees can have same employee number. Similarly, for Product entity type, ProdId is the key attribute. There may be a case when one single attribute is not sufficient to identify entities. Then a combination of attributes can solve this purpose. We can form a group of more than one attribute and use this combination as a key attribute. That is known as a composite key attribute. When identifying attributes of entities, identifying key attribute is very important.

Non-prime attribute in DBMS?

Prime attribute are part of any candidate key. Non-prime attribute are not part of any candidate key.

What is key attribute and non key attributes?

A key attribute is an attribute that uniquely identifies a record in a database table. Non-key attributes are attributes that are not used to uniquely identify records, but provide additional information about the data.

Why do you use the concept of foreign key?

You use foreign keys to relate the information on one table to another. For example, Table one has customer information, name, address, user-id, etc and Table two has the orders that the customers request. Customer-id, item, number of items, cost per item, taxes, shipping address, etc.. You put in a foreign key on the orders table, so that the Customer-id is related to the User-id on the Customer table one. OK ?

What is the prime attribute in a database?

It is an attribute that does not occur in some candidate key.

A condition in which one attribute is dependent on another attribute when neither attribute is part of the primary key?

transitive dependency

How would you describe a condition in which one attribute is dependent on another attribute when neither attribute is part of the primary key?

Transitive Dependency