

What is Full Scale IQ?

Updated: 9/14/2023
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it depends on your age

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Q: What is Full Scale IQ?
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If my full scale iq is 77, my memory IQ is 83, my verbal IQ is 9, And myspatial IQ is 102 What is my IQ?

Sorry verbal iQ is 96. not 9

What range does a 53 full scale IQ fall in?

If your IQ score was 53, you have mild mental retardation.

What is the wechsler full scale IQ?

The Wechsler Full Scale IQ is a measure of general intelligence that is derived from several subtests of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) or Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC). It provides an overall assessment of an individual's cognitive abilities, including verbal comprehension, perceptual reasoning, working memory, and processing speed. The Full Scale IQ score is a standardized score with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15.

Per this evaluation my son scored a 96 full scale IQ What does that mean?

The average IQ is between 90 and 110, so this means your son has average intelligence.

Who constructed intelligence tests that provide verbal and performance scores along with a full scale IQ score?


How does an IQ of 171 rate on an IQ scale?

A score of 171 is genius.

What is the analysis or interpretation on this weschsler adult intelligence scale Verbal IQ 82 Performance IQ 70 Full Scale 76?

This is almost 2 standard deviations below average so these numbers indicate a person who will be challenged when it comes to learning academic material.

Difference between Wechsler Scales and the SBIS?

A great difference is that Wechsler scale doens't calculate your IQ the same way as STanford-binet intelligence scale. 132 iQ (wechsler) => something like the SBIS scale. You will find a really complete answer by going on best-iq-test (dot) on the title: IQ: IQ Test scales - The Stanford-Binet scale.

What are the levels on the IQ scale?


What is the IQ number scale?


What does it mean if my full scale IQ is 122 but my verbal IQ is about 50 points higher than my performance IQ?

Verbal I.Q. is the I.Q. you get from your verbal responses, performance I.Q. is the I.Q. you get from your performance (finding symbols, pairing objects together, putting in proper order, etc.) The full scale I.Q. is derived from a person's scores on all of the subtests, it reflects verbal I.Q. and performance I.Q. Your full scale I.Q. is 122. Your verbal I.Q. - which means your verbal responses - are 50 points higher than your performance I.Q. (Thus you are better at verbal responses).

How does an IQ of 143 rate on an IQ scale?

A score of 143 is very, very high.