

What is Gamma rays purpose?

Updated: 5/21/2024
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15y ago

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Gamma rays don't have a purpose, they just occur in certain radioactive decays. They can be used to examine welded structures for possible faults, because they are more penetrating even than x-rays.

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2w ago

Gamma rays are high-energy electromagnetic radiation emitted during radioactive decay or nuclear reactions. They can be used in various applications such as medical imaging, cancer treatment (radiotherapy), sterilization of medical equipment, and food preservation. Gamma rays are also used in astronomy to study high-energy processes in the universe.

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12y ago

A gamma ray is a photon that is emitted from the nucleus when the nucleus come down from an excited state that results from some kind of decay event. Gamma rays are similar to x-rays, in that they are still photons, but x-rays come from a similar step down in the electron cloud.

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The electromagnetic waves with the highest frequencies are called?

The electromagnetic waves with the highest frequencies are called gamma rays. They have the shortest wavelengths and highest energy levels among all types of electromagnetic radiation.

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What is x rays and gamma rays?

Cathode rays generate x-rays and gamma rays are electromagnetic radiation. Gamma rays have very high penetration power.

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gamma rays are Vincent is weird

What is x-ray and gamma rays?

X-rays and gamma rays are forms of electromagnetic radiation with high energy and short wavelengths. X-rays are commonly used in medical imaging and security screening, while gamma rays are typically associated with nuclear reactions and radioactive decay. Both types of radiation can penetrate materials and tissues, but gamma rays have higher energy levels and are more penetrating than x-rays.

Are gamma rays neutrons?

No, gamma rays are not neutrons. They are electromagnetic rays or electromagnetic energy.

Do gamma rays really work?

Yes, gamma rays are high-energy electromagnetic radiation that can be used for various applications such as cancer treatment, sterilization of medical equipment, and imaging techniques like PET scans. However, they can be harmful if not properly shielded against.

What has bigger wave lengths microwaves or gamma rays?

Gamma rays

What are Gamma rays a part of?

Gamma rays are high-energy photons.

What will stop gamma rays?

Materials such as lead, concrete, and thick layers of water can effectively block or absorb gamma rays. These materials are dense and provide sufficient shielding to protect against gamma ray exposure. However, complete absorption may require a substantial thickness depending on the energy of the gamma rays.