

What is Giant Impact Theory?

Updated: 10/20/2021
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6y ago

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The giant impact theory that the moon formed when Earth collided with another object named Theia that was roughly the size of Mars. The debris ejected into space later came together to form the moon.

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Maiya Legros

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Q: What is Giant Impact Theory?
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What is the giant impact theory?

The giant impact theory that the moon formed when Earth collided with another object named Theia that was roughly the size of Mars. The debris ejected into space later came together to form the moon.

What the current theory of how earth moon was formed?

The currently most-accepted theory is that it was the result of an impact, of a giant object with Earth.

Why do scientist accept the capture theory?

They generally don't. The Giant Impact Hypothesis is generally accepted amongst scientists.

What is the two-word nickname for the Giant Impact Hypothesis of the Theia Impact?

Giant Impact, Big Splash, or Theia Impact.

What theory best explains the moons origin?

Giant Impact Theory which tells that a very big asteroid named 'theia' hit earth in a long time ago resulting a large debris ring which later formed moon....

What is the difference about the current giant impact theory?

The giant impact hypothesis proposes that the Moon was created out of the debris left over from a collision between the young Earth and a Mars-sized body. The colliding body is sometimes called Theia (or Euryphaessa) for the mythical Greek Titan who was the mother of Selene, the goddess of the moon.[1][2]

What is the current theory for the origin of earths moons?

the giant impact hypothesis is currently the accepted theory. It basically says that a large asteroid collided with the earth, knocking debris from the earth into space. this debris then formed together over time to form the moon.

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What theory do most scientists think best explains the formation of the moon?

the impact theory.

When was the moon formed?

The prevailing theory at present is some form of early impact with the partly-cooled Earth. This may have been a co-orbiting object that fused with the Earth after the collision, but that blasted loose the material which later formed the Moon.(see the related question)the moon isn't as old as the Earth and was formed approximately 30-50 million years after the Solar System based on what is called 'the giant impact theory'.