

What is Guru Nanak's upbringing?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: What is Guru Nanak's upbringing?
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Just one If you mean the Sikh Guru.

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Guru Nanaks Wife was Sulakhani, daughter of Mula, a resident of Batala.

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Guru Nanak's father was Mehta Kalu, also known as Mehta Kalu Chand.

What was guru nanaks place of birth?

Guru Nanak Dev Ji was in Rai Bhoi Ki Talwandi, now called Nankana Sahib, near Lahore, Pakistan.

How do Sikhs treat the Guru Granth sakib?

He was treated like most sikhs, but he was supposedly one of the smarter of the 10 gurus as he preached all of Guru Nanaks preaching, and some of his own. Although he was the youngest Guru and died very young helping the sick

When did guru Nanak founder Sikhism?

Guru Nanak was born enlightened. He did not become Guru in is human life but was born a Guru. There are numerous stories about when child Guru Nanak displayed holy and miraculous qualities. For instance, when he was only a child he was sleeping under the sun and a very big snake came and opened its hood over the guru. People thought it was going to attack the guru but they realised it was protecting him from the sun. It did not attack him and when he awoke, it went away. Also, an astrologer predicted that Guru Nanaks parents would have a very holy child. Guru Nanak was born enlightened. He did not become Guru in is human life but was born a Guru. There are numerous stories about when child Guru Nanak displayed holy and miraculous qualities. For instance, when he was only a child he was sleeping under the sun and a very big snake came and opened its hood over the guru. People thought it was going to attack the guru but they realised it was protecting him from the sun. It did not attack him and when he awoke, it went away. Also, an astrologer predicted that Guru Nanaks parents would have a very holy child.

How do people celebrate guru nanaks festival?

Usually all Guruprabs are celebrated in the same manner with continuous reading of Guru Granth Sahib Ji which usually takes 48 hours, during this time Sikhs visit Gurudwara (Sikh's place of worship) helping the the prepeartion of Langar (Community meal), singing the hymns from Guru Granth Sahib Ji.