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Hermes takes so many forms hes identified with the egyptians god Thoth and as Zeus by the ancient Greeks but as Hermes trismegistos he is the patron of hermetism to which he gave his name he paradoxically transmit light by veiling it but he didnt only talk in riddles but he used symbols to communicate Hermes has lots of secrets surrounding him which arnt able to be kept in the light because then they will lose their secrecy the invisible only becomes visible through concealment so he is an elusive god mercurial and often goes overlooked by his oservers the trismegistos appears on the Rosetta stone and gets its name from the greek meaning three times greatest and so Hermes has three functions to which are to take care of people that pray people that go to war and those that go to work and he is identified with moses christ and st john but you must not forget that Hermes is the master of secrecy and a mythological figure transmitting secret knowledge is the basis for all religions - Visit this link to know more

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Q: What is Hermes myth?
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What is One important myth involving Hermes?

Perseus. Hermes gave him sword.

What is Hermes Birthdate?

Myth does not relate dates.

Where does Hermes spend his time in the myth?

HERMES spends most of his time delivering messages of ZEUS.

Which god did Zeus send to Hades to intervene in the myth of Demeter and Persephone?

Zeus sent the god Hermes to intervene in the myth of Demeter and Persephone. Hermes acted as a messenger between Hades and Demeter, helping to negotiate Persephone's release from the Underworld.

What made Hermes and fry enemies?

Hermes was a greeek god. Fry was a norse god. I do not think they had any relationship or encounter in classical myth. So they were not enemies in the original myth

What is the myth centered on Greek god Hermes?

There are many myths centering on him.

When is Hermes' birthday?

Hermes was born in a cave in mount cyllene in arcadia. or possibly Olympus. and he was born on august 12 1892 according to myth.

What is the myth with Maia and Zeus?

There really isn't one, it only ends in the birth of Hermes.

Who are the characters in the myth origin of the seasons?

Demeter, Zeus, Persephone, Hades, Hermes, Iris and Apollo

When did he Hermes died?

Hermes is a mythological figure and therefore can't have died, since he never actually lived. I'm unaware of any myth featuring the death of Hermes. (There have been a number of actual people named Hermes; if you mean one of them, you'll need to provide additional details.)