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Hibiscus was a insect pollinated plant. Hibiscus have colourful petals to attract insects. Secondly, hibiscus have nectaries to produce nectar.

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Q: What is Hibiscus method in pollination?
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What type of pollination in hibiscus?

Cross pollination takes place in case of Hibiscus. The pollinating agent is the humming bird.

What type of pollination occurs in the plant Hibiscus Rosa sinensis?

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, commonly known as Vegetative Hibiscus can either self polinate (because it is a hermaphrodite shrub) or because of its flowers huge size and the reddish color and hues, it attracts humming birds that are major agents of its pollination.

Can a flower plant have more than one kind of pollination?

No, a flower plant typically has one specific type of pollination method. The method can be either self-pollination or cross-pollination, but a flower is not capable of having multiple types of pollination simultaneously.

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Method of Pollination

Why is the hibiscus brightly coloured?

Many colors have brightly-colored flowers; the purpose of this is to attract insects, which assist the plant in pollination.

Why is hibiscus brightly coloured?

Many colors have brightly-colored flowers; the purpose of this is to attract insects, which assist the plant in pollination.

Why is bee pollination the best method of pollination?

because its natural and other tools might hurt the process

Why is the stigma a different height than the anthers?

The anthers and stigma occur at different heights to prevent self fertilization and to encourage cross fertilization.

What are the uses of hibiscus leaves?

· Hibiscus leaf is used as natural conditioner & anti-dandruff agent · The roots of hibiscus are boiled in oil until the water gets evaporated. Then the oil can be applied to the wounds caused by cancer. This can be very useful in initial stage of cancer. · The oil in this flower can be applied to the skin of patients who are suffering from cellulite

What are the methods of pollination?

There are two different kinds of pollination. The two main kinds are self pollination e.g pollen from plant A lands on the stigma of plant A and pollinates the ovules of plant A and cross pollination e.g. pollen from pant A lands on the stigma of plant B and pollinates the ovules of plant B

How does a hibiscus get pollinated?

On its own or through the intervention of pollinators is the way in which hibiscus pollinates.Specifically, the plant in question (Hibiscus spp) can self-pollinate since each hibiscus flower contains the necessary female and male parts. The male part known as the stamen delivers the pollen to the stigma pads on the female part known as the pistil. The pollen ends up in the ovary's ovules where the seed pod develops and releases about a dozen seeds. The same effect also may be achieved by the intervention of pollinating birds and insects.

Where does the pollen need to be taken in order for a flower to make seeds?

The pollen must be taken from the stamen to its stigma in order for pollination to occur. The common method of pollination is when insects and birds try to get nectar or pollen from the plant.