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Isambard Kingdom Brunel is known for revolutionizing modern engineering, naval engineering and public transport. His work on the Clifton Suspension Bridge played an important role in defining his legacy.

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Q: What is Isambard Kingdom Brunel most well known for?
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What is the best fact about isambard kingdom brunel?

He had history's most epic sideburns!

Where was Great (Great (Isambard Kingdom Brunel)) shot?

Most of the film was shot in Australia. This is odd as the film is set in New York.

What is saltash famous for?

Most famously - it's bridges. Isambard Kingdom Brunel's Royal Albert Bridge (rail) from 1859 and the Tamar Bridge - a suspsension road bridge from 1961.

Where is Great (Great (Isambard Kingdom Brunel)) based?

The Great Eastern Life Insurance company is based out of Singapore and Malaysia. It is also the oldest and most established insurance group in the aforementioned countries.

What was Isambard Kingdon Brunel's most famous invention?

Isambard Kingdom Brunel's most famous invention was the steamship called the SS Great Britain. It was the first iron-hulled, propeller-driven ship to cross the Atlantic Ocean, revolutionizing the maritime industry. The SS Great Britain set new standards for speed and efficiency, marking a significant milestone in the history of transportation.

Who is more famous David Cameron or Isambard Kingdom Burnel?

Brunel, without a doubt- he is one of the most famous engineers of all time and responsible for some of the best-known landmarks both in the UK and abroad. Cameron, on the other hand, has only been in the public eye for about 5 years and is not serving as Prime Minister during any particularly significant time in history.

Why was isambard kingdom brunel important to the Industrial Revolution?

Isambard Kingdom Brunel was important to the industrial evolution beacuse of all his achivements throughout his career such as: 1) The Great Eastern 2)The Thames Tunnel 3)Bristol docks His Dad Sir Marc Brunel was french and also was an engineer in the French Revelution and Helped Brunel throughout his entire career until he died of a stroke. Everyone was heart broken to hear this news.

Why did isambard brunel become an british engineer?

As well as having one of the most unusual middle names of all time, Brunel is famous for his technological achievements in the field of engineering. However, as well as having very broad interests, his most outstanding feature was his all round ability within each of the endeavours he undertook. If we consider his Great Western Railway, he designed the track layout, the track itself, the rolling stock, the tunnels, the bridges, and the ship to take passengers to the United States from Bristol at the end of the line (the Great Western). He even designed the lamp-posts for the stations, was a director of the station hotel at Paddington, and when the going got tough, was not above getting down to doing some actual digging on the line himself. He was truly a great all-round engineer.

Does everyone know about Isambard and Luella?

Most people in our form seem to.

What did isenbard kingdom brunel do?

Lots and lots of things. Most common things he did include the Clifton suspension bridge, built the first iron ship, built many bridges. The main reason he is so well known and was rated the 2nd best Briton ever is because he started the industrial revolution.

What did Isambard Kingdom Brunel do?

He was the first to build a abridge!!! No he was not, think of the Romans! But he was a very great engineer in Victorian times who built 3 great ships and made the Great Western Railway and did most of the work in completing the first tunnel under the Thames. He was the first Engineer in the world to build a Steel Bridge the Roman's only Had Wooden and then Brick Bridges He also built the worlds Biggest ship The SS Brittania and then the First and biggest Ironclad style ship (out of metal) The SS Great Britain.

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