

What is Islams belief on god?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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God (Allah) is one there is nothing like him, he has no partners simply because he's that great. This is what seperates Islam from Christianity. He has 99 names, he is the most merciful and most beneficint

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No, in Islam god is called Allah.

What was the one god Islams believed in?

Islams believe in Allah They believe in the same God worshiped by Jews and Christians (called Allah). In Arabic versions of the Bible God is written also Allah.

What do Islamics believe in?

Islams believe in everything that's in the Quran (holy book of islam) and the sayings of prophet Muhammad (S) , called Hadiths. Prophet Muhammad (S) was the last prophet and messenger of God. He was given by angel Gabriel the Quran.

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No,they only worship Allah(God).

Are Islams monotheistic?

yes , Islam state that there is only one god

What do the Islams worship?

Muslims worship the One and Only God "Allah"

Where do Islams worchip?

first off its not what Islams worship that is the religion Islam and who follow it are Muslims and what we worship is ALlah(GOD almighty) the same god one god of dthats it nothing else not Jesus not muhamed not moses these all just men ...

What role does the Jesus play in the lives of islams?

jesus is also a prophet. he is neither God, nor the son of God