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I don't know what the Israel is...but he is against abortion, he thinks the higher class should get an increase in taxes, and he is against same sex marriage.

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Q: What is John McCain's point of view on major issues such as the Israel?
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On national security

Is Iraq north or south of Israel?

Iraq is east of Israel, but extends from pretty much the southernmost point of Israel to a point much further north than the northernmost point of Israel.

What is john mccains view point?

John McCain has been serving as a Senator for Arizona.

What is Barack Obama point of view on major issues such like healthcare?

Obama favors compulsary health insurance for everybody

Distance from Canada to Israel?

Israel - Ottawa 5574 miles Israel - Toronto 5792 miles Israel - Vancouver 6688 miles Distances were measured by the shortest way from point to point and not by flight distances

Which is it correct points of issues or Point of issues or points of issue?

Use point of issue or points of issue.

What country is on Israel's southern border?

Egypt and Jordan both touch Israel's most southern point, but neither is directly south of that southernmost point.

How far is Israel from Jeddah?

Jeddah is roughly 1175 km from the closest point in Israel (Eilat).

What is the lowest point?

The lowest point on earth is the Dead Sea which borders Israel and Jordan.

What is the lowest elevation point in Israel?

The Dead Sea, the lowest elevation point in the world.

Does israel border the Black Sea?

No. Israel borders the Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea (through the Gulf of Aqabah),but not the Black Sea.The shortest distance between any point in Israel and any point on the shores of theBlack Sea is about 550 miles.