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okay---- if you are less than 3 months pregnant you need to see a doctor immediately because the pregnancy could be ectopic (in the fallopian tube) , if this has already been ruled out due to early ultra sound examination, then as long as there is no bleeding then it is probably just round ligament pain caused by the uterus growing a stretching, which is perfectly normal (esp if this is your first pregnancy). if you are more than 6 months pregnant it's normal. MY daughter used to stretch and kick me in the left rib all the time. Just change your sitting position and gently massage the spot and she/he will change position and you will be more comfortable. good luck Joymaker rn

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12y ago

Things on the patients' left hand side, under the ribcage include the heart, a lung, part of the stomach and spleen. Heart pain is quite distinctive chest pain - you'd know if this were the cause. Lung pain would worsen on breathing, but bending would probably make no difference. Spleen pain is like a stabbing in the side, along the lower edge of the ribcage (the spleen is normally just tucked underneath your ribs, but it can enlarge). Either way, it's probably best to see a doctor.

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11y ago

That could mean that you have an ectopic pregnancy so better see your gynaecologist soon as possible.

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