

What is Linux?

Updated: 11/6/2022
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8y ago

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Linux and UNIX both are operating systems written in C and Assembly languages. UNIX is a primary operating system introduced in the year 1970 by Ken Thompson and others, while it is a multitasking and multiuser operating system. UNIX being a proprietary networking OS, its cost is high for a mainframe system. The end-users of UNIX are not authorised to change the kernel in any way as it results in the violation of the licence in the terms.

Later in the year 1991, a Finnish student named Linus Torvalds introduced the initial Linux kernel, which meant a clone of the UNIX. Linux is an open-source operating system and free for anyone to use and modify the code. Nowadays Linux OS is widely used in day to day life like Supercomputers, desktops, smartphones, web server, home appliances, washing machines, refrigerators, cars, modems etc.

Operating system: Each time when we turn on your computer, we can see and perform different activities on the system like write, read, browse the internet and watching a video. Well, all these activities are performed by an operating system or kernel. A kernel is a program which is the heart of any operating system, used to communicate between hardware and software. So, to work on the computer we need an operating system.

Nowadays Linux is in great demand and popularly used in everywhere. Linux is an open-source operating system which is freely downloaded and distributed over the internet. With time, Linux became an important backbone for an operating system like Knoppix, Debian, Ubuntu, and Fedora etc.

source: ITEducationalExperts

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Laverna Zieme

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3y ago
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Linux is a free, open source operating system kernel, but now is considered to be packaged with other programs to be an entire operating system (known as a distribution, as there are different ones). It is similar to the Unix operating system which has been around for decades.

Red Hat and Ubuntu are two examples of Linux distributions -- others include Debian, Suse, Mandrake (formerly Mandriva), and more. Linux as a whole is known for its robustness; it's used in mission-critical tasks by many industries. It can cost little to nothing to download and install, or you may choose to have a vendor pre-configure and provide support for you.

By far, the two most popular distributions are Ubuntu and Fedora.

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tharangini yadiki

Lvl 3
3y ago

Linux and UNIX both are operating systems written in C and Assembly languages. UNIX is a primary operating system introduced in the year 1970 by Ken Thompson and others, while it is a multitasking and multiuser operating system. UNIX being a proprietary networking OS, its cost is high for a mainframe system. The end-users of UNIX are not authorised to change the kernel in any way as it results in the violation of the licence in the terms.

Later in the year 1991, a Finnish student named Linus Torvalds introduced the initial Linux kernel, which meant a clone of the UNIX. Linux is an open-source operating system and free for anyone to use and modify the code. Nowadays Linux OS is widely used in day to day life like Supercomputers, desktops, smartphones, web server, home appliances, washing machines, refrigerators, cars, modems etc.

Operating system: Each time when we turn on your computer, we can see and perform different activities on the system like write, read, browse the internet and watching a video. Well, all these activities are performed by an operating system or kernel. A kernel is a program which is the heart of any operating system, used to communicate between hardware and software. So, to work on the computer we need an operating system.

Nowadays Linux is in great demand and popularly used in everywhere. Linux is an open-source operating system which is freely downloaded and distributed over the internet. With time, Linux became an important backbone for an operating system like Knoppix, Debian, Ubuntu, and Fedora etc.

source: ITEducationalExperts

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Linux does not have a "manufacturer." Linux development is guided by the Linux Foundation and Linus Torvalds, with contributions from thousands of companies and individuals.

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There are lots of Linux-oriented wikis. There is no official wiki for the Linux kernel.

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No, but Linux is based on Unix since Linux is a Unix clone.

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I think it was the Linux kernel. There are many used with Linux now.

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Can I play games on Linux and what is linux?

Linux is just an OS (Operating system like macOS, android, Windows...). But the different things are that Linux is a bit hard to learn. Linux is used by hackers (Linux is a "hacking machine", a bit like hacking in movies. And yes u can play games on Linux (There is some games that doesn't support Linux.)