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Names don't change with the language. Lisa is Lisa.

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Q: What is Lisa translated into Arabic?
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How do you say Lisa in Arabic?

The way to spell the name Lisa using the Arabic alphabet is ليسا.

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In Arabic, "free" is translated as "حر" (har). In Spanish, "free" is translated as "libre."

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The word brother when translated from English to Arabic is أخ which is pronounced "Akh."

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Lisa is the same in English and Italian.

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In Maori, the name Lisa could be translated as Risa.

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The word "loved one" when translated from English to Arabic is بعزيز, pronounced "bi'aziz"

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It's said in Arabic as "Barghooth"

What is strong in Arabic?

"Strong" is translated as "قوي", from English to Arabic, and is pronounced as "gawee".

How do we write found in Arabic?

"Found" in Arabic can be translated as "وُجِد" pronounced as "wujida".

What is spirit translated into Arabic?

rooh / nafs