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It was 27th August 2003.

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Q: What is Mars and Earth Closest Approach in Recorded History?
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What is called when earth is closest to the sun?

Perihelion is when the Earth is closest to the sun.

Is earth closest to the sun August?

Periapsis - the closest approach to the Sun - is currently around January 3.

How far is mercury from earth in AU?

Mercury is 0.5167 AU from Earth. AU stands for astronomical unit. Mercury is 48,000,000 miles from Earth at its closest approach.

How close is Earth to the Sun at its closest approach?

We call the closest point of approach to the Sun "perihelion". "Peri-" from the Greek for near, and "helion" from the Greek "Helios" or "Sun".At perihelion, the Earth is at a distance of 147,098,074 kilometers or 91,402,506 miles.

How far is it the earth to Mars?

Theoretically, Mars and Earth are closest together when Earth is at farthest point from the Sun(aphelion) and Mars is at its closest to the Sun(perihelion). At that point the two would be within 54.6 million km of each other. That point is said to be theoretical because it has not been observed during recorded history. The closest known approach was in 2003, when Earth and Mars were separated by only 56 million km. On the opposite end of the scale, Mars and Earth can be 401 million km apart when they are in opposition and both are at aphelion. The average distance between the two is 225 million km.

When is the distance between the earth and sun smallest?

Earth reaches perihelion, its closest approach to the sun, in early January.

When does the Moon travel more faster around the earth?

The Moon's orbital speed is greatest when it is at its closest approach to the Earth.

What is the history of life on earth recorded on?

The spooner!(:

What planet is the closest planet to earth in the solar system?

Venus is closest at 41,397,870 km or 25,723,443.84 miles. Comment: That's probably the distance of "closest approach", but often Venus will be much further away. Venus does get the closest to Earth, but it's not always the closest planet.

Why is the Earth is closest to the Sun in the Northern Hemisphere's in winter?

Because the Earth travels round the Sun in an elliptical orbit and at present the closest approach the Sun during that elliptical orbit occurs during the Northern winter. However precession of the axis of the Earth's rotation means that in about 12 thousand years time, the closest approach will be during the Northern Summer.

The history of life on Earth is recorded in .?

Rock fossils