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on Wed Dec 2 we signed a membership contract. Today we emailed a cancellation. Are we within our rights under Mass law?

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Q: What is Mass rescission law on contract membership?
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The California law for rescission of a land project is 14 days after the contract to purchase is signed. The federal law as applied to rescission rights in California adopt the same 14 days.

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No, they do not have a right of rescission law for used cars.

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The rescission law or buyers remorse law does not apply to the purchase of a new or used vehicle. You would have to prove fraud in order to cancel the contract.

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The act of rescinding, abrogating, annulling, or vacating; as, the rescission of a law, decree, or judgment.

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The rescission time for time-shares in Ohio is 3 business days. The rescission period ends on the third business day at midnight.

Is there a Right of Rescission law in Delaware?

There is a right of rescission law in Delaware. It allows a loan to be rescinded one business day after loan proceeds are issued to the title borrower.

What is the law on right of rescission in Michigan?

There is NO right of recission for autos.

Can you waive the three day rescission period when you refinance your loan with the same creditor who holds your loan and you do not borrow any additional funds?

The law varies from location to location. However, in practice: why on Earth would you want to? A recsission period allows you to void the contract, it doesn't require you to; in terms of net effect, the difference between waiving the rescission period and simply not using it is nil. If you've already agreed to waive a rescission period and are now wondering if you can still get out of the contract ... contact a lawyer in your area.

Is there a 'right of rescission' law for used car purchases?

Generally speaking, no. Questions about law are best directed to a local lawyer, who will be familiar with the law in your area; since we have no way of knowing where you live, it's possible that your location does have such a law (though I don't believe any US state has a law granting an automatic right of rescission on used car purchases, and I know there's none in US federal law).This is complicated a little in that some states do have laws about a "right of recsission" for used car purchases. In California, for example, the seller of a used car must offer (as an option, which they can charge extra for) a contract rider on cars with a sale price of less than $40,000 that allows for the buyer to rescind the contract. In order to be able to exercise this right, the buyer must purchase the option at the time they purchase the car, so it's not an automatic right of rescission.

Is there a 3 day car rescission law in California?

The rescission law does not apply to the purchase of an automobile. Once you purchase a vehicle it is yours, and cannot be returned for a refund. The buyer's remorse law, or cooling off period, only applies to unsolicited sales.