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Q: What is Mount Waialeale Hawaii?
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Where is Mount Waialeale?

in Hawaii

Where is Mount Waialeale located?


What is the place in Hawaii that rains 350 days a year?

Mount Waialeale

Why does it rain so much on mount waialeale?

because it Hawaii is one of the most wettest places on earth.

What US state is home to the wettest place in Oceania?

Hawaii, mount waialeale gets 460 inches of rain all year

What is the annual rainfall in mount waialeale?

According to the National Geographic Society, it rains and average of about 1,170 centimeters a year on Mount Waialeale.

Where is muont waialeale located?

it is located in hawaii.

Is forks Washington the rainest place in the US?

No. The rainiest location in the U.S. is Mount Waialeale in Hawaii which averages 460 inches of rain per year.

What state is Mount Waialeale in?

Mount Waialeale (meaning rippling water or overflowing water) is a shield volcano with an elevation 5,148 feet on the island of Kaua'i, in Hawaii. It is known as the "wettest spot on earth" because rainfall averages 426 inches a year on the mountain summit. A record 683 inches of rain fell on Mount Waialeale in 1982. The area around the volcano is known as the Alaka'i Wilderness Preserve, a tropical wetland that spawns many rare plants.

How much rain does mount waialeale get per year?

100,000,000,000,000 miles

Who in the world gets the most rainfall?

Mt Waialeale in Hawaii Hawaii. It gets 460 inches of rainfall a year.

Most wet place in the US?

The wettest place in the United States is Mount Waialeale on Kauai in Hawaii. Its total annual rainfall measures 460 inches.