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Q: What is Name of stand up riding scooters?
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Are 49cc stand up scooters legal in WA state?

Yes, stand-up motorized kick-scooters are legal in WA. Just make sure you don't ride it on any arterials.

Why do some horses urinate while riding?

yes it is perfectly fine you just have to stand up when they pee.

Are gas scooters for kids 10 and up?


How do you jump on scooters?

bend your legs then pull up.

What is the main difference between mopeds and scooters?

The main difference between mopeds and scooters is in the engine capacity and power. Scooters have some get up and go, while mopeds also rely on pedal power.

How fast can an electric scooters travel?

Most electric scooters travel between 10-20 mph on average. If the rider is light they will go about 20-30 at maximum depending what type you have bought. If it is a stand up scooter it will go 15-25mph, but if it is a high class sit down scooter it can travel up to about 30mph at the most. Most electric scooters top out at about 35mph. But you can find some that go upwards of fifty miles per hour. It all depends on the make and model of the scooter.

Can you stand up while riding legally?

Standing on the pegs is part of the riding techniques that is used in order to pass over obstacles, it cannot be illegal. Standing on the seat for example is a stunt and considered reckless driving.

Is razor a good scooter brand?

Razor is a popular brand with smaller "kids size" scooters. My daughter has one and she is 10, she LOVES it and the battery is pretty good, lasts about 15-20 min but are expensive to replace (about 80-$100) They make stand up and sit down moped style scooters. (she has the sit down style)

Are electric scooters street legal in pa?

If you are referring to an electric moped, the answer would be yes. As long as the moped doesn't exceed 50cc, you will not be required to have a motorcycle license. For anything over 50cc, a motorcycle license will be needed. If you are referring to the type of electric scooters which you stand up on, such as those sold for children or an electric scooter such as a power wheelchair, the answer is no.

What is the name of the stand up one person vehicle?


What does HMA stand for horses?

Herd Management AreaI've also attached a link at the bottom to a small help-site. They have all the riding level answers up there.

Does any scooter wheel fit any scooter?

It depends on what kind of scooter you're talking about. If you mean a standard kick scooter then most scooters will fit up to 100mm wheels, high-end scooters up to 110mm.