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That would be when people built their homes by the river.

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Q: What is Nile settlement?
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Why was the Nile suited for settlement?

The overflow of the Nile provides both water, and fertilizing silt for the use of the farmers who grow crops near the bank of the river.

What was The Nile River Valley well suited for settlement?

It was between two rivers the Tigris and Euphrates.

Why was the Nile river. Valley was well suited for settlement?

It was well suited for settlement because there was water they could bath, drink, wash, and cook from.

How is the Nile river important to the ancient Egyptians?

Basically because without the Nile there would be no Egypt as we know it, only desert. The Nile encouraged settlement and cultures because it gave life in the form of water for, amongst other things, drinking, crops and transport.


There was a big deposit of silt near them, which was incredibly important for agriculture to thrive

Why was the Nile Delta well suited for settlement?

There was a big deposit of silt near them, which was incredibly important for agriculture to thrive

How did geography affect early settlement in Egypt?

The country of Egypt receives almost no rain at all. The only part that is hospitable to humans is along the banks of the Nile River. The Nike carries water from areas that receive rain, and the Nile would flood once a year as a result, fertilizing the soil along the banks. Even today, settlement in Egypt is confined to the banks of the Nile.

Why was the delta for the nile river well suited for settlement?

The Nile River was well suited for settlement because in that area, There isn't a lot of water. So the Nile River was a main source of water to cook, bathe, clean, and water their crops with. And in that time era, there wasn't underground pipes for water then and they would have to go to the river for their supply of water. And it would just be more efficient to put a community next to a larger water supply such as the Nile River.

Why they live by the river Nile?

The Nile encouraged settlement and cultures because it gave life in the form of water for, amongst other things, drinking, crops and transport. The other choice is to live in desert.

Why was the Nile River such a good place for settlement?

Like the Ancient Egyptians the nile river helped them thrive by Producing farmland. between the months of july-october the nile river floods and people after that make farmland over the wet soil and produce crops.

Why was the delta of the Nile River well suited for settlement?

The Nile River was well suited for settlement because in that area, There isn't a lot of water. So the Nile River was a main source of water to cook, bathe, clean, and water their crops with. And in that time era, there wasn't underground pipes for water then and they would have to go to the river for their supply of water. And it would just be more efficient to put a community next to a larger water supply such as the Nile River.