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The United States military.

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Q: What is Obama army called?
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Did obama go in the army?

yes he did go in army.

What year did obama join the US army?

He was never in the Army.

Has brack Obama served inus army force?

No. Barack Obama was never in the military.

Who is the present chief of army?

Barack Obama

Did Barack Obama go into the amry?

No, he wasn't in the army.

What is the you tube video called with a saying Your new president is Obama Obama Obama Obama Obama..?

I think you are referring to a 2008 video by Lil Wayne, called Obama Obama Obama. It was produced right after Barack Obama won the election.

Is it true that Barack Obama wants to get rid of the army?

No. He wants to withdraw the army from Iraq, but he doesn't want to get rid of the army.

Is obama making a brown shirt army?

No. You can see clearly at that only one of the t-shirts being sold by the Obama campaign is brown -- nowhere near enough for an army.

What is name of Obama wife?

Barack Obama's wife is called Michelle Robinson Obama.

Who is Commander-in-chief in the US army airforces?

The President. Obama currently.

What was Obama called in school?

Barrack "Barry" Obama

What was the result of the Army times presidential poll?

McCain 68, Obama 23