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Q: What is One type of cacti root?
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What type of root system does the prickly pear cactus have?

Cacti have either a long tap root or fibrous roots just below the surface of the ground.

How is cacti spelled when it is plural?

It's spelled cacti. The plural form of cactus is like the plurals for octopus and pegasus (e.g. octopi and pegasi). These particular words are spelled in exactly the same way as their Latin root words would be, so the us is changed to i.

What is the cacti plural form?

One cactus, two cacti

What kind of roots do cacti have?

Some cacti have a tap root while others have a dense fibrous root system.

How often should a mam backebergiana cactus be watered?

I water my Mammillaria cacti once the soil has dried out completely. This is recommended for all cacti, it is better to water them not as often rather than regularly because if you get root rot then your cacti will die.

What type of root system is made up of one main root?

tap root

How do you stop cacti root rot?

Stop Watering it, let the soil dry out between waterings

Is it cactuses or cacti?

cactus for a single plant cacti for plural

Do cacti of the same type look the same?

You could suppose that cacti of the same type look similar. They will have the same color patterns and spines, but will most likely be shaped differently.

Cacti and pineapple are plants that use what type of photosynthesis?


What type of living thing exist in the desert?

scorpions cacti

Do cacti have milk?

No cacti store water, not milk. A genus of succulent called Euphorbia leak a milky latex when damaged, they look like cacti but are not. This is probably what you are thinking of. The latex produced by plants in the genus Euphorbia is a skin irritant and can cause temporary blindness. They are common in cacti collections, and are often sold as cacti.