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Q: What is Protoplasm is necessary for all plant and animal cells.?
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What are plant and animal cells similar in structure?

both plant and animal cells have, a nucleus, nucleolus, ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, and a vacuole.

What are two structures that make animal cells and plant cells?

Nucleolus and Mitochondria. Edited answer: Plasma membrane and protoplasm.

What are difference in plant and animal cell?

Plant cells contain cellulose and chlorophyll necessary for photosynthesis

The structure observed by Robert Hooke in plant cells was?

cell wall

What things differ between the plant and animal cells?

Plant Cells have cell walls and Animal Cells don't, Plant cells have chloroplasts where as Animal cells don't, Plant cells are more rectangular and Animal cells are sort of round, Plant cells use chloroplasts for food, Animal cells use mitochondria Plant cells have one large vacuole, where as Animal cells have a lot of small ones, Plant cells lack lysosomes, while Animal cells have them, Plant cells have a central vacuole and Animal cell don't

What do mitochondria do in animal and plant cells?

Mitochondria produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate) for cells to carry out necessary processes.

Is centrioles in plant or animal cells?

Animal cells, not plant cells.

What is found in the cell wall?

cell wall is found in plant cells, made up of cellulose and starch. it is present outside the plasma is also found in some protists.

What do plant cell have that animal cells?

Animal cells have centrioles and plant cells do not.

How is animals cells different from plant cells?

Animal cells have lysosomes, plant cells don't. Plant cells have a cell wall made out of cellulose, animal cells don't. Animal cells have many small vacuoles, plant cells have one large vacuole. Plant cells have chloroplasts and chlorophyll, animal cells don't. Animal cells have centrioles, plant cells don't.

Do Venus Flytraps have plant or animal cells?

Well seeing it is a plant it has plant cells not animal cells

Do both plant and animal cells have a nucleus?

Yes, both animal and plant cells have a nucleus.