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Q: What is Q when S 1 and R 1 for SR flip-flop?
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What is the Energy of uniformly charged spherical shell having radius R and a charge Q on it?

(1/4pi[epsilon]_0)*Q^2/2R This can be derived from the fact that a spherical shell seemingly has a potential of a point charge (that is, k*Q/R) and W =½ int Vdq, where dq can be replaced with a [sigma]dA=[sigma] 4 pi r dr and sigma= Q/A = Q/4piR^2 => int½ Vdq = int ½k*Q/r*Q/(4piR^2)*4pir dr from 0 to R = k*½*Q^2/R^2 int dr from 0 to R = ½kQ^2/r=k*Q^2/2r.

What is the theory of kelvin's double bridge experiment?

Theory: - Kelvin's bridge is a modification of whetstone's bridge and always used in measurement of low resistance. It uses two sets of ratio arms and the four terminal resistances for the low resistance consider the ckt. As shown in fig. The first set of ratio P and Q. The second set of ratio arms are p and q is used to connected to galvanometer to a pt d at an Approx. potential between points m and n to eliminate the effects of connecting lead of resistance r between the known std. resistance 's' and unknown resistance R .The ratio P/Q is made equal to p/q. under balanced condition there is no current flowing through galvanometer which means voltage drop between a and b, Eab equal to the voltage drop between a and c, Eamd. Now Ead=P/P+Q ; Eab=I[R+S+[(p+q)r/p+q+r]] ------------(1) Eamd= I[R+ p/p+q[ (p+q)r/p+q+r]] ---------------------(2) For zero deflection->Eac=Ead [ P/P+Q]I[R+S+{(p+q)r/p+q+r}]=I[R+pr/p+q+r] ----(3) Now, if P/Q=p/q Then equation… (3) becomes R=P/Q=S ------------------------------------------------------(4) Equation (4) is the usual working equation. For the Kelvin's Double Bridge .It indicates the resistance of connecting lead r. It has no effect on measurement provided that the two sets of ratio arms have equal ratios. Equation (3) is useful however as it shows the error that is introduced in case the ratios are not exactly equal. It indicates that it is desirable to keep r as small as possible in order to minimize the error in case there is a diff. between the ratio P/Q and p/q. R=P/QS

Is the focal length of a concave mirror is half the radius of curvature?

As shown in the figure, a paraxial ray is incident at point Q on a concave mirror. q = angle of incidence = angle of reflection = Ð CQF = Ð QCF ( by geometry ) So, for D CFQ, exterior Ð QFP = Ð CQF + Ð QCF = 2q . For paraxial incident ray and small aperture, CP' » CP = R and FP' » FP = f. For small aperture, 2q is very small. \ from the figure, 2q » FP QP = f QP … ( 1 ) and q = CP QP = R QP … ( 2 ) From equations ( 1 ) and ( 2 ), R = 2f ⇒ f = R / 2 Thus, focal length of a concave mirror is half its radius of curvature.

What are the four magic triangles in physics?

I don't know if this is what ur looking for but this is what I have Resistance or "Ohm's Law" V R I V=volts R=ohm or resistance I=Amperes Power E P t E=joules P=watts t= time in sec. Potential Difference E V Q E=joules V=volts Q=coulombs Current Q I t Q=coulombs I=Amperes t= time in sec.

How do you find electric potential at a point due to point charge?

With a magnet or by sprinkling iron fillings an cardboard if you use it to see the pattern of magnetic field.

Related questions

What is master-slave flip flop?

Yes. You need two gated input SR flipflops, and an inverter. Connect the Q output of the first flipflop to the S of the second. Connect the notQ output of the first flipflop to the R of the second. Connect the clock to the gate input of the second flipflop, and to the input of the inverter. Connect the output of the inverter to the gate of the first flipflop.

Difference between jk flip-flop and t flip-flop?

in SR flip flop when we have S=1 R=1 we get intermediate state In JK flip flop we eliminate the intermediate state by complement Q- ( J=1,K=1 Q+ = (Q-)') so we can say that JK flip flop is refinement of SR flip flop Amjad Al.Haqpani

How do you convert D to T flipflop?

it will be the X-OR gate of D and the output Q

What is the application of r-s flipflop?

sometimes memory

What is VHDL program for RS flipflop with asynchronous reset?

library IEEE;use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL;use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL;entity asynSRFF isport (CLK, RST, S, R : in std_logic;Q, Qn : out std_logic);end asynSRFF;architecture behv of asynSRFF issignal FF : std_logic;beginprocess (CLK, RST)variable SR : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);beginif (RST = '1') thenFF

If p is 50 percent of q and r is 40 percent of q what percent of r is p?

p = 50q/100 = 1/2 q r = 40q/100 = 2/5 q p = (1/2)/(2/5) = (1/2)(5/2) = 5/4 r or 1 1/4 r Thus, p is 125% of r.

How do you calculate q values?

Q = (1/r)√(l/c)

If p q and q r then p r. Converse statement B.A syllogism C.Contrapositive statement D.Inverse statement?

Converse: If p r then p q and q rContrapositive: If not p r then not (p q and q r) = If not p r then not p q or not q r Inverse: If not p q and q r then not p r = If not p q or not q r then not p r

How do you divide multiply fraction?

You do it the obvious way. Take p, q in Q, the rationals By definition, we can write p = m/n and q = r/s where m, r are integers, n and s are natural. we define pq (p times q) = (mr)/(ns) p/q = pq^-1 where q^-1 denotes q's multiplicative inverse s/r Remark: you cannot divide by 0 here because 1) 0 have no multiplicative inverse 2) if r = 0. s/r is undefined.

What is VHDL program for JK flipflop with asynchronous reset?

library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; entity asynjkff is Port ( clk,reset : in STD_LOGIC; j : in STD_LOGIC; k : in STD_LOGIC; q : inout STD_LOGIC; qn : out STD_LOGIC); end asynjkff; architecture Behavioral of asynjkff is begin process(clk,j,k,q,reset) begin if (reset='1') then qn<='0'; else if(clk'event and clk='1')then qn<=(j and(not(q)))or(q and(not(k))); end if; end if; end process; end Behavioral;

Convert SR flip flop to T flip flop?

Replace the T input by sbar rbar q bar + sbar r q

1 q b in a h?

these r maths problems they r quite hard