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Radiation will always remain a particle so long as it doesn't come in contact with MOST direct sunlight, or water. In that case, water becomes irradiated and the Particle becomes part of the water.


answer 2 electromagnetic radiation - radio waves do not involve particles. Sound waves, heat, and UV light etc also are radiation. 'Radiation' is also used in Biology, to describe the spread .

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Q: What is Radiation that is not a particle?
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What is braking radiation?

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Which of these masses is the largest alpha particle antineutrino gamma radiation beta particle?

Alpha Particle

What is the radiation type for alpha?

Alpha (and beta) radiation is "particle radiation" Gamma is electro-magnetic radiation.

What are the names of 2 types of ionising radiation?

Alpha and Beta Radiation are types of ionizing radiation. They are both charged particles though Alpha is heavier than the particle Beta.

Radiation consisting of a single electron?

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The Wilson Chamber has the radiation independent of the particle. This is a particle detector used for detecting ionizing radiation.

Is beta the same kind of radiation as alpha but does not have particles?

No Alpha radiation is essentially a helium nucleus - a couple of protons and neutrons bound together as a particle Beta radiation is an electron or positron - still a particle but not the same kind of particle as alpha.

Which radiation particle carries 2 neutrons per particle?

An particle of alpha-radiation consists of two protons and two neutrons. It is a highly charged particle and is thus highly ionising. It is therefore highly dangerous. Because of its size, it penetrates very little, being stopped even by a thin sheet of paper. The other forms of radiation are beta-radiation and gamma-radiation. Beta-radiation consists of a high-speed electron, whereas gamma-radiation is a high-energy electromagnetic wave.

What are two types of radiation?

Mechanical and Particle

How does electromagnetic radiation behave?

Electromagnetic radiation can behave either as a wave or a particle. A wave particle is duality. Electromagnetic energy results from acceleration of a charge EM radiation can travel through a medium or vacuum.

Is the emission of electromagnetic radiation by an excited atom is it a wave or a particle?

a particle traveling in wave form.

What particle decomposes to produce the emission of beta radiation?

This particle is a neutron:neutron-----------proton + electron + neutrino