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Q: What is Rubber does not dissolve in water so is not a property of rubber?
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Does rubber dissolve in water?

Yes, rubber is waterproof, which is why early rain gear was cloth that was coated with rubber. It dries out and cracks over time.

What happen if you placed a piece of rubber in water?

water absorbtion, with an intensity depending on the type of rubber; rubber is not soluble in water and don't react with water

Why doesn't a rubber ball absorb water?

Rubber is not porus.

Why do water wet rubber?

Rubber is generally hydrophobic but some rubber does need to get wet so it does not dry out.

Does Hot water shrink rubber?

No it will cause rubber to expand.

Is rubber band waterproof?

Rubber bands typically are not damaged by water.

Why rubber duck float in water?

Rubber ducks are full of air, so are buoyant on water.

Does rubber can partially immerse in water?

You can sink rubber completely in water if you want to, but you may need to hold some rubber objects down there. A few forms of rubber have densities less than the density of water, and they float in water if they're not weighted down somehow.

Can you live if electronic stuff is near water and you wear a suit of rubber and jump in?

It depends about the rubber and the water.

Is a rubber band waterproof?

No, a rubber band is not waterproof. It is made of rubber, which is a material that is permeable to water and can absorb it to some extent.

Does rubber keep us warm?

Rubber is a poor conductor of heat. A suit of rubber can trap water (or air) around the skin and keep that water at the same temperature. This insulates the trapped water (or air) so that the skin feels warm. Rubber is a good insulator.

Why do you wrap water pipes in foam rubber?

We use foam rubber to stop condesation of water from the surface of pipe.