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Monica is known as the mother of Saint Augustine of Hippo and for the many years she prayed for his conversion.

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Q: What is Saint Monica known for?
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Who were Saint Monica's parents?

The names of Monica's parents are not known.

What kind of a saint was Saint Monica?

Saint Monica is the patron saint of alcoholics, married women, and mothers. She is known for being one of the early Christian saints.

What was Saint Monica's last name?

In the time of Monica surnames were not used.There is no source that states the Surname of St. Monica, but St. Monica is usually referred to as Saint Monica of Hippo.Surnames did not come into use until many centuries after Monica lived.

When was Saint Monica's birthday?

Saint Monica was born in 331 AD. She is most known for being the mother of St. Augustine of Hippo.

Was Saint Monica a martyr?

No, Saint Monica was not a martyr. She is known for her piety and devotion in the Christian faith, particularly for her prayers and influence on her son, Saint Augustine, who later became a prominent theologian and saint. Monica is recognized as a model of perseverance and faith.

Did Saint Monica have any siblings?

There is no historical record of Saint Monica having any siblings. She is mainly known for being the mother of Saint Augustine and for her strong faith and devotion.

Why is Saint Monica called Saint Monica of Hippo?

Saint Monica is called Saint Monica of Hippo because she was from the city of Hippo (modern-day Annaba, Algeria) where her son, Saint Augustine, served as bishop. She lived in Hippo during Augustine's time there and is known for her unwavering faith and prayers for his conversion to Christianity.

What was the real name of Saint Monica?

Saint Monica

Did Saint Monica have sisters?

Yes, Saint Monica had at least one sister named Perpetua. Perpetua is often mentioned in writings about Saint Monica's early life and her influence on her children, including Saint Augustine.

Where did Saint Monica teach?

Saint Monica did not teach at a specific school or institution. She is known for being the mother of Saint Augustine and for her devout Christian faith and prayers for his conversion.

What country was Saint Monica from?

Monica was born in Tagaste (Souk Ahrus), Roman North Africa in what is now known as Algeria.

What was Saint Monica best known for?

Saint Monica is best known for being the mother of Saint Augustine and for her devout Christian faith and prayers for her son's conversion. She is a revered patron saint for mothers, wives, and individuals struggling with difficult family situations.