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Q: What is Sri Lanka Java and Myanmar (Burma) like?
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What Does A Ruby Look Like?

it red and found in Sri Lanka,Thailand,Burma

What does Myanmar look like?

See the geography of Burma. It is a jagged hrombus with a peninsula at the southeast and coast on southwest.

When did myanmar change its name?

In the Burmese language Burma can be called either Myanmah or Bama. During British Colonial rule the country was called Burma in English. In 1989 the military Govt. officially changed the English version of the country's name from Burma to Myanmar, it also changed the English versions of many place names in the country (Like Rangoon to YAngon)

What area of the world is mainly Buddhism?

Mainly in Asian continent. There are Buddhist countries like Myanmar, Thailand, Sri Lanka ,laos

Why do people call India subcontinent?

This is not like 'India subcontinent'. The word is 'Indian Sub-Continent', the whole island includig India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Sri Lanka..etc.

What are the physical features of Myanmar burma?

This may hep you,..........the physical features are; you are fat and ugly and you smell like raw fish. Just kidding the physical features are mountains and rivers, for real though,♥

Where is Burma city?

The Internet has many useful resources in relation to Burma (Myanmar) . Make sure that is it a reputable website (i.e. not a tourist website but one with (.org) or (.gov)). I have always found Lonely Planet extremely good resource to find out general information regarding the history, demography, and cultural aspects of Burma. However, it also provides a good insight into whether one should actually travel to Burma or instead boycott the country because of its oppressive government. On the Lonely Planet website you are able to have a quick read of some useful information but it also allows you to purchase the Myanmar book, which I recommend doing. If you are interested in Burma's history, I suggest reading one of the following books: 1. Living Silence: Burma under Military Rule (Politics in Contemporary Asia) - Christina Fink; 2. Letters from Burma - Aung San Suu Kyi (currently under house arrest for protesting and expressing view against the current government); and 3. Burmese Days - George Orwell (interesting read and although fiction novel, discusses what life was like in Burma during colonial times). Hope this helps.

Where is Buddha's Birthday celebrated?

Lord Buddha's Birthday is celebrated by all the Buddhist , especially in Budhist majority countries like Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam,Bhutan, Sri Lanka, China(Tibet) , Japan , India etc.

Does Justin Bueber know Sri Lanka and does he like Sri Lanka?

Sri Lanka is a country…not a person

How do you say monkey in Burma?

you say monkey in Burma like kataya but the a is pronounced e

Where do you find rubies?

Ruby is a red transparent precious gem stone found in minerals like corundum Al2O3 with small amount of Cr2O3 (crominum oxide) found in tropical regions in Myanmar, Africa,India and Sri Lanka. The most recently found ruby deposit in Myanmar is in Namya (Namyazeik), located in the northern state of Kachin. Rubies have historically been mined in Thailand, the Pailin and Samlout District of Cambodia, Burma, India, Afghanistan, Australia, Namibia, Colombia, Japan, Scotland, Brazil and in Pakistan.

What is rules and regulations to come to Singapore from Myanmar?

I would like to know about the Myanmar rules and regulations for NGOs in Myanmar. Please ask my question. thanks