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A type of natural selection in which genetic diversity decreases as the population stabilizes on a particular trait value.

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Q: What is Stabilizing Selection and Distruptive selection?
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What is the type of natural selection that favors intermediate phenotypes?

When natural selection favors the intermediate version of a characteristic, it is referred to as stabilizing selection. It is the opposite of disruptive selection.

What are the three patterns of of natural selection?

directional selection,stabilizing selection, anddisruptiveselection

When stabilizing selection acts to elimination extremes at both ends of a range of phenotypes the frequencies of the intermediate phenotypes increase?

That is the definition of stabilizing selection.

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Directional Selection - APEX

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Stabilizing selection results in less genetic diversity in a population.

What modes of selection leads to a reduction in variation but no change in the mean?

Stabilizing selection.

When natural selection favor the intermediate version of a characteristic it is called?

stabilizing selection

What do stabilizing selection directional selection have in common?

They both decrease genetic variation .