

What is Swarming growth phenomenon?

Updated: 6/10/2024
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14y ago

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It is a special kind of growth of highly motile bactria on culture media. its look like a top view of lady wearing a skirt, so its also known as skirt like appearance. best example of swarmiong growth is Proteus vulgaris.

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14y ago
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2d ago

Swarming growth is a phenomenon observed in certain types of bacteria, where they move collectively as a group across a solid surface. This behavior is thought to provide benefits such as enhanced protection from environmental stresses and access to new nutrients. Swarming growth typically involves changes in gene expression and the production of specialized surface structures for movement.

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What does Proteus vulgaris look like on a Tryptic Soy Agar media?

Proteus vulgaris typically appears as large, spreading colonies on Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA) media. The colonies have irregular edges and a characteristic swarming growth pattern. They are usually yellowish-brown in color and may have a slightly mottled appearance.

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