

What is Temple Grandin's IQ?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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13y ago

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IQ is difficult to measure for people with Autism Spectrum Disorders. One method of testing might show extreme genius (which she is), while another method might show her as retarded.

IQ numbers themselves are very flawed. They are extremely limited.

If one person does well on math, reading, and logic puzzles (but knows nothing of art, dance, or interpersonal relationships), he will score very well on IQ tests.

If another person doesn't do well with math, reading, and logic puzzles (but is a brilliant dancer, a natural artist, and a friend who can sense the feelings of others) that person will do much worse on IQ tests.

Temple's special abilities would likely show up in spatial logic tests and visual memory tests. These are in some IQ tests but not others. People like Temple tend not to do terribly well on verbal tests because they give answers that make sense to them but are not what the test designer expected.

For example: IQ test question:

Which animal does not belong in this group:

a) rat b) squirrel c) monkey d) goose e) beaver

The test designer 'wants' you to answer d) goose because it is not a mammal. However, in most of the United States the answer c) monkey is perfectly valid, because it is the only one not native to the United States.

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