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Q: What is The Process When Glucose Is Broken Down And Energy Is Created?
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What process breaks down glucose before cellular respiration?

Glucose is broken down IN cellular respiration, also called the Kreb cycle. Glucose enters this electron transport chain process intact, and is broken down to CO2 and water, while giving off chemical energy which is stored in the form of ATP molecules for the cell to use for chemical energy in metabolic processes. Glucose is not broken down before cellular respiration; it is broken down IN the process.

What breaks down glucose before cellular respiration?

Glucose is broken down IN cellular respiration, also called the Kreb cycle. Glucose enters this electron transport chain process intact, and is broken down to CO2 and water, while giving off chemical energy which is stored in the form of ATP molecules for the cell to use for chemical energy in metabolic processes. Glucose is not broken down before cellular respiration; it is broken down IN the process.

How do photosynthesis releases energy?

No,it stores energy in glucose. Energy is released by respiration

When glucose molecules are broken down energy is released and carbon dioxide and water are produced. What is this process called?


What is the chemical process through which glucose and other simple molecules are broken down to release energy are?

that is called metabolism

What converts energy to glucose?

Glucose is broken down to release energy during respiration.

Is a process in which glucose is broken down into lactic acid and energy described as aerobic respiration?

No, lactic acid fermentation is anaerobic.

When glucose the monomeric subunit found in glycogen is required for energy glycogen is broken down through a process known as?


Mitochondria gets energy from glucose through what process of?

Mitochondria gets energy from glucose through the process of Cellular Respiration.The process by which ATP is manufactured from glucose is called cellular respiration.

What is the relationship between photosynthesis and the cellular respiration?

In Photosynthesis, plants use the sun's energy as light to transform carbon dioxide and water into glucose. In cellular respiration, glucose is ultimately broken down to yield carbon dioxide and water, and the energy from this process is stored as ATP molecules.

If glucose is broken down by glucase what is made?

Well, since glucose is made out of carbon-dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O), I think that would exactly be what would be made if glucose was broken down by glucase. Explained: Glucose is made through photosynthesis which involves CO2+H2O+Energy = C6H12O6 (a.k.a glucose). Cellular respiration is the process of breaking down glucose for energy used by nearly all complex organisms. It breaks glucose into CO2, H2O, and most importantly, energy.

How is glucose finally eliminated from the body?

Glucose is generally not excreted from the body, it can be stored as gyclogen, latter broken down for energy. In which glucose is broken down into pyruvate then into glycolosis for processing Excess glucose can be in the urine if you are diabetic. Glucose can be stored in your liver and in your muscles in the form of glycogen and then released as the cells need glucose for respiration. Glycolysis is the process whereby glucose is cut into two molecules of pyruvate. If oxygen is present, pyruvate will enter the mitochondria and chemical bonds in pyruate will be broken to release energy that will be stored in ATP