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Q: What is The advantages of interpretation versus compilation?
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What is the difference between compilation and interpretation?

Without giving the definition for both words,A compilation is several things from A specific origin grouped together. and A iterpretation is making A opinion based judgment from the evidence on hand

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High-level to binary is known as compilation or interpretation, depending on whether the entire program is converted at once (compilation) or only one statement at a time is converted (interpretation). There is no conversion from binary to high level -- it's one-way only.

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What are the advantages of campilation versus interpretation?

* Compilation. A program called a compiler reads your program and translates it into machine code. Then the computer obeys the machine code. Those who've learnt it may know that Pascal is implemented this way. * Interpretation. A program called an interpreter looks at each line of your program in turn, works out what it means, obeys it, and then goes onto the next line. An analogy: compilation is like translating a French knitting pattern into English, then reading the English. Interpretation is like using a French dictionary on each word in turn as you knit. If there's a loop in the knitting pattern, then the latter method means you will end up retranslating the same word over and over again. Compilation is harder; but the result is more efficient. Also, the internal representation of compiled programs loses the original structure, so you can't print it, etc. It has been suggested that experts somehow ``compile'' explicit knowledge into implicit: the information's still there, more efficient, but now unverbalisable

What are the three general methods in implementing a programming language?

1- Compilation 2- Pure Interpretation 3- Hybrid Implementation System

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