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Q: What is The correct sequence of CPR for an adult or a child or an infant went to rescues are present is what?
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Is it correct to call an infant 'it'?

No, it is not ok because a baby is a person and a living thing, no matter how small. Some people do and this is not right.

If a baby is called a neonatal when born what is it called after the neonatal stage?

Past: Fetus Present: Neonatal After Present: Infant It is called infant because it isnt a baby but it has hair, laugh capability and is speechless

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your whomb eats it as the baby comes out

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parents, godparents, friends, family and religious community

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Evidence of SID is a dead infant from no apparent cause. There are, at present, several competing theories as to why it may happen. None of them definitive. Research is ongoing.

When giving CPR to an infant do you compress the chest straight down about half to one inch?

The statement is correct.

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infant my friend marsheley is crazy infant infant my friend marsheley is crazy infant

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. Baby; Infant; Person; Human. Biracial (: The baby is to races therefore it's biracial ! (: