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Apologetics - one of the best writers in this area is C S Lewis, and I recommend his book "Mere Christianity" to you as a good example.

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Q: What is The method of using reason to support Christian beliefs was known as?
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if their beliefs are correct,i will support him.i will also respect him and his beliefs.but if i think that his beliefs are not correct,what is worse,his beliefs would harm others or disrupt public order,i will not agree him.i will educate him,i will influence him,by correct method.

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How did philosophy pose a challenge to Christian scholars?

Philosophy posed a challenge to Christian scholars by introducing rational inquiry and questioning traditional beliefs. It encouraged critical thinking and the pursuit of knowledge through reason, which sometimes conflicted with the dogma of the Church. This tension led to debates and discussions about the compatibility of faith and reason.

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What was the main features of medieval philosophy?

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