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Q: What is The part of the pistil that protects the developing seed an can become fruit?
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What does pistil do in a plant?

It supports the developing ovules inside it.

What part of the flower cathes the pollen garains dropped by the insects?

The pistil/stigma (top of the pistil), which is the female organ. Once fertilized, a seed or fruit will start developing.

Do the pistil make the fruit?


What is the pistil of the male weed plant?

The pistil is the female part of a flower. It is usually surrounded by stamens. The pistil eventually turns into the "fruit" of the plant.

Do fruits grow from the ovary of the pistil?

Fruits grow from the ovary of the pistil. The pistil is the female organ of a plant and the ovary is the one that matures into a fruit

What is fruits and it function?

Fruit develops from ovary of the flower, generally after fertilization and it protects and nourishes the developing seeds inside it. After maturity fruit also helps in seed dispersal.

What does a flower ovary do?

This protects the ovule and once fertilisation has taken place it will become the fruit.

When pollen is transferred from the stamen of flower to the pistil what occurred?

When pollen is transferred for the stamen to the pistil, the pollen helps the pistil create a fruit, which contains the seeds a plant needs to be grown from.

Can flowers with pistil but without stamen reproduce?

Yes, as long as the flower has the pistil and compatible pollen grains are available through pollenation

What is the function of watermelon leaf?

The watermelon leaf synthesizes organic compounds for the plant. In some varieties it also protects the developing fruit from direct sunshine.

What part of the plant protects the seed and holds?

The fruit of the plant holds and protects the seeds. The seed coat initially and later when the ovary ripens, the fruit protects the seed.

What does the word pollen mean?

Pollen is the powdery sustance which forms on the stamens of flowers. When transfered to the pistil (either by gravity or the action of bees or other insects) the pistil is fertilized and a fruit will form.