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The person spoke to someone in the court office before the court date & their words were typed and printed out so a hard copy of their testimony has already been given by them.

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Q: What is Transcribed oral testimony given by witness prior to trial?
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What is a factor that can be used to impeach a witness?

The most common method of impeaching witness testimony is with a prior inconsistent statement. For example, if a bystander witness watches an accident, she will give a statement to a police officer at the scene. If she told the officer that the traffic light was red, but later testified that the light was green, her statement in the police report could be used to discredit, or impeach, her testimony.

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The word testament means, at root, a document containing testimony. The Gospels and letters are the testimony of the people who founded the Christian Church. Given this, from a Christian perspective, the older Hebrew Bible is older testimony about the acts of God prior to the time of Jesus. The naming is quite rational from a Christian perspective.

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Invoking the rule is where all witnesses are told to leave the courtroom so that they can't hear testimony prior to testifying. This happens when the attorneys are afraid some of the witnesses might change their answers or "refresh their memory" based on what another witness will say.

Does a judge consider written testimony in a restraining order hearing?

Written testimony is generally not considered in a restraining order hearing unless the testimony was given under oath at a formal court proceeding, and then it is considered only if the party giving the written testimony is unavailable to testify directly. Unavailability exists if the party giving the prior sworn testimony has died, moved outside of the state, or has otherwise somehow lost the capacity to testify in person. Unavailability usually does not exist if "you can't miss work" to testify or "you're on vacation for 3 months," but in the context of a restraining order hearing some forbearance may be authorized under state law.

Can an informant testify if they have convictions for bad checks?

A prior conviction does not prohibit a person from testifying. Certain convictions may be used to challenge the credibility of a witness before the jury. Whether or not a witness is called to testify is the decision of the lead attorney who would call the witness.

Hearsay not apply with impeachment of witness?

Impeachment can refer to different legal concepts. One meaning refers to discrediting a witness by showing that he or she is not telling the truth or does not have a reliable basis for their testimony. Rules of evidence govern what type of questioning may be used to impeach a witness. Generally, unrelated evidence that the person is a" bad person" and therefore untrustworthy, is not allowed. See: As stated above, the rules of evidence apply when attempting to impeach a witness. Therefore - hearsay evidence is NOT admissable for impeachment purposes. Added by: >< : Hearsay can be used to impeach a witness for the element of truthfullness under prior inconsistent statments, but cannot be used to prove the matter under dispute. A witness may not be called solely for the purpose of being impeached as a way to get otherwise inadmissible hearsay before the jury. SEE DISCUSSION PAGE -

Can a judge allow testimony against someone based on a trial that was dismissed?

A trial cannot be dismissed. A case can be dismissed before it goes to trial. A judge can allow testimony if it is within the bounds of admissible evidence, regardless of whether or not that evidence was presented at a prior hearing or trial.

What is the meaning of prior to this date?

It means before the date given

If a ticket has the wrong date on it will it be dismissed in Minnesota?

If all the other information is correct probably not. Courts customarily allow officers to 'amend' the information on the ticket prior to their testimony.

What does Mary Warren say to reverse her reversal of prior testimony in the book the crucible?

her reverse reversal is that she reversed her reversal a long time ago there for giving her a reversible revsered reversal.

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Only in specific and tightly restricted conditions. For instance, if a witness makes a recorded deposition but dies prior to the actual trial, the the recording may sometimes be introduced even though the witness is no longer available to be questioned.