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Related questions

What is the main language spoken in the UK?

The main language spoken in the UK is English. However, there are also several regional languages and dialects spoken throughout the country, such as Welsh, Scottish Gaelic, and Irish.

Is Tamil spoken in ap?

Yes, Tamil is spoken in Andhra Pradesh among the Tamil-speaking community residing in the state. However, Telugu is the predominant language spoken in Andhra Pradesh.

What is most commonly spoken language in the UK?

The most commonly spoken language in the UK is English.

What did the UK spoken?

The official language of the UK is English.

What is the UK's official language?

The official language of the United Kingdom is English.

Does the UK have a language?


Does UK have a native language?

English is the official language of the United Kingdom.

How do languages from Europe affect the UK?

The UK does not have an official language because it would discourage immigrants from coming. As a result, the UK is multilingual and has speakers from practically every major language.

Where can you learn Korean in the UK?

You can learn Korean in the UK through language schools, universities, or online courses. Look for language centers that offer Korean classes, check university language programs, or explore online platforms for Korean language learning resources. Some options include the Korean Cultural Centre UK in London, universities with East Asian studies departments, and websites like Talk to Me in Korean.

What language is spoken in UK and US?

The language common to both countries is English.

Which is the most spoken language in the UK?


What is the main language in the UK?

English and Welsh