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Q: What is Waste gas given off by animals but taken in by plants?
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What are the edible animals or plants from the ocean called?

"Seafood" is the general name given to animals and plants that are taken from the oceans for comsumption by humans.

Which is healthier plants or animals?

Plants could clean and heal the body. Plants can also clean animals internally, when taken orally.

How does photosynthesis connect sunlight to the energy needs of plants and animals?

During photosynthesis, the molecules of chlorophyll in plants take in or absorb energy in the form of light from the sun. In relation to animals, the energy taken from the sun divides the water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. Oxygen is then given off for the animals to breathe.

How do plants benefit from waste products and decay of other organisms?

Waste products and decaying organic matter add necessary minerals to the soil to be taken up by plants for metabolic activities.

Animals get phosphorus from?

Animals consume plants which have taken phosphorus out of the soil. They then excrete it in the form of manure and biosolids which returns it to the soil.

What is exhaled by animals and absorbed by plants?

Animals, like humans, exhale carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is taken in by plants, and through the process of photosynthesis produce oxygen.

How is the oxygen produced during photosynthesis used by living things?

Plants take in carbon dioxide from the air through their leaves, water and other nutrients from the soil in order to produce a simple sugar in the presence of light. This simple sugar that they have produced is used. Oxygen is released as a by-product of photosynthesis. Oxygen is than taken in by the organisms(animals) and they release carbon dioxide again. This than is taken by plants and oxygen is given off again for the plants to use again. kakaya

What is a pabulum?

Pabulum is any kind of food which is taken in by plants or animals, or material which feeds a fire.

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What are Differences between respiration in plants and animals?

There are 2 processes of gas exchange in plants, photosynthesis and respiration. Photosynthesis occurs during the day, plants take in carbon dioxide and expel oxygen into the environment. Respiration occurs at night and is similar to the way it occurs in animals. Plants absorb oxygen at night and expel carbon dioxide.

Plants use what to make food?

Plants generally have several sources of food they create sugars during the day from the sun, photosynthesis, other nutrients are taken in via the root system or even through pored in the leaves. Certain plants in areas of poor soil will trap insects or small animals for their nutrients, taking the nutrients from the corpses there are even plants that encourage animals to defecate in a bowl for the nutrients. Nutrients in the soil come from decaying plants and animals and animals waste these are broken down by insects and bacteria in to soil or loam.

Where is the waste taken?

Most of the waste that is thrown into the trash is taken to the dump. This includes medical waste and regular trash.